It simply works.You can't make up experience. Everything about Evexia is to maximize the communication of vitals to family and care providers and put them to good use. Vitals not taken and acted upon are missed opportunities for better health.
For the aging in place
For the care provider
Simple Solutions Powered by Technology
Evexia combines the most advanced telecom, user experience, security and IoT technology in a totally transparent manner. With the benefit of cross-industry decades of experience, Evexia brings innovation to aging in place. The most advanced technology is of no use if it is too expensive and too complex to use.
Family Comes FirstEvexia removes the hurdles for seniors to take their vitals and get the care they need. Evexia addresses those who cannot overcome today's hurdles: technical, educational or physical.
We Promise You the Best
We have learned first-hand from the best in the industry -- Steve Jobs. Evexia focuses on the essence of remote monitoring and engaging. Adding features is easy -- simplifying without loss of usability is hard.